#YOLO show

Helmholtzstraße 8, 50825 Köln
Sa, 13.07.2024
Start: 15:30 Uhr - 22:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

#YOLO - Life is Short, Why Be Shy?

Come visit our fashion show “#YOLO - life is short, why be shy?”, which will take place on Saturday, July 13th at Kolbhalle (Helmholtzstraße 8, 50825 Köln Ehrenfeld).

About the Event

We aim to shatter societies seriousness and return to our true selves - maybe even revisit our inner child. You only live once! Appreciate your time on earth and live like you really want to.

Enter a world - liberated from social norms - where our models, performers, and audience can be themselves without being judged by any #haters! A space where individuality and freedom reign supreme.

What to Expect

Entry 15:30 
Show starts 17:00

Come early to immerse yourself in the world we have created and enjoy an incredible atmosphere with music, food and drinks!

Prepare to be presented with a collection by Elena Schröder, which dances on the edge of "Can I do this?" and "Isn't this embarrassing?” - #cringe.

Dress Code

Be bold! Be colourful! Be happy! Feel free to wear that one item you bought but never wore because there “there wasn't a right occasion."


If you are ready to embrace the spirit, please RSVP by purchasing a FREE ticket via the Rausgegangen app, as you will need to show the ticket for your entry!

Code of Conduct

Please interact and communicate respectfully with our models and guests. We do not tolerate any form of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other form of discrimination at our event. If we notice any discriminatory behavior, we will remove you from the event.

Stay Connected

#YOLO - Fashion Show is a project of young designers from the Köln International School of Design (TH Köln). It is a self-financed, non-commercial event.

For more information and sneak peeks, follow us on Instagram via [@yolo50825] (https://www.instagram.com/yolo50825).

Let’s not take ourselves too seriously!