
Blockdammweg 1, 10317 Berlin
Fr, 28.02.2025
Start: 20:00 Uhr - 23:55 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Teichmann + Soehne
Uli Teichmann: Saxophone, Clarinet, Percussion
Gebrüder Teichmann: Live Electronic, Live Sampling

Teichmann + Soehne (Gebrüder Teichmann & their Dad Uli Teichmann) can be thought of as a human-musical collage. It is a meeting of three different musicians who all have in common that they have occupied alternative spaces and perfected a variety of musical styles and subcultural codes throughout their lives. When those flow into each other, this necessarily creates something that is unique. While it is mostly Uli who takes the lead, the brothers respond by live sampling to his playing, thus serving as a creative interface between acoustic sounds and electronic responses. This in turn provides a framework in which Uli can improvise on a variety of acoustic instruments like the saxophone and the clarinet as well as a mandolin and glockenspiel or even percussion. This indeed makes their music flow—across different generations, between different musical ideas and genres, into previously uncharted territory. 

It took the three musicians decades to get together to jam. Uli and Lu, the mother of Andi and Hannes, ran the legendary Jazzclub Kneiting between 1978 and 1983 while he also made a name for himself as a musician who, besides jazz, is knowledgeable in a plethora of music styles from all over the world and has an instrument collection to match. Naturally, Andi and Hannes rebelled against this versatility by opting for simplicity. Already as pre-teens, they formed a punk band and once they got a whiff of the burgeoning techno scene, strayed even further from their father's path. They eventually moved from their native Regensburg to Berlin where they made a name for themselves with a slew of releases on seminal labels like Disko B or Kompakt before starting to more regularly collaborate with musicians from the realms of Contemporary Music, Improv, and Sound Art. After Uli had finally contributed some saxophone licks to the brother's 2011 »They Made Us Do It« LP, they finally got together to reconcile their musical differences in a creative way. Their album Flows (Altin Village & Mine) was released in 2023 on the occasion of Uli's 80th birthday.




Start: 8pm // Entry: €10

Gaswerk Music Concerts: An eclectic mix of handmade music blending electronic, jazz, and krautrock.

GMC organized by Sauna Studio Berlin


Sauna Studio GbR
Köpenicker Chaussee 39
10317 Berlin