SHOWTIME! English Comedy Cocktail at French Bento Bar

French Bento Bar
Neckarstraße 13, 60329 Frankfurt
Di, 10.12.2024
Start: 19:30 Uhr - 21:45 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Become part of the comedy community!

Welcome to the comedy show in the heart of the vibrant Bahnhofsviertel, at the French Bento Bar, an exquisite top-notch cocktail bar! Immerse yourself in a world of laughter, entertainment, and exquisite drinks and delicious snacks that will enchant your senses.

In the French Bento Bar, you can expect not only a unique comedy performance from our community but also a breathtaking atmosphere that sets the perfect stage for an unforgettable evening. The French Bento Bar is renowned for its excellent cocktails, crafted with attention to detail by experienced mixologists.

As you savor the delightful creations of the bar, experience a comedy show that knows no bounds. Our talented comedians from our community, as well as traveling artists, guarantee an evening full of laughter where no eye will remain dry. From quirky everyday situations to absurd anecdotes - humor is taken to the next level here!

Secure your tickets now for the most exciting comedy show in Frankfurt! Don't miss the opportunity to experience an evening of fun, exquisite cocktails, and top-notch entertainment. Every Tuesday, the French Bento Bar transforms into the comedy central of the city, where laughter and enjoyment go hand in hand.

Be there and witness how we blend comedy and cocktail art into an unforgettable experience!


The Comedy Community
Haselstraße 25
63619 Bad Orb