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About the Event
asi-mmet-ric productions unc is proud to present an evening with 2 great acts !
Event #10 with Ryosuke Kiyasu (JP) and Sisterloops (DE/SE) !!!
RYOSUKE KIYASU has been active as a snare drum soloist since 2003 and is also known as a drummer in "SETE STAR SEPT", "Kiyasu Orchestra", Mr. Keiji Haino's band "Fushitsusha". He is also known as a founding member of The Endless Blockade in Canada.
SISTERLOOPS is a performative sound art- and noise duo, in the field of experimental music.
SISTERLOOPS work explores sounds in combination with movement, action and image.
Sound contra movement, image contra sound.
SISTERLOOPS are nasty academics,
strictly wild, brutally feminine,
we are amplified knives.
Broken Cymbals Project is SISTERLOOPS main ongoing project since 2017. With up to 70 broken cymbals and electronics they produce trashed beats and distorted textures, noisy drones and singing metal. The cymbal is used as an instrument, object and scenography.