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Roomer is the meeting point of four distinct creative forces: Ronja Schößler, a fixture inBerlin’s experimental singer-songwriter scene, pens compositions of crystallinevulnerability that cut through the band’s guitar architectures with diaristic directness.Polymath producer and visual artist Ludwig Wandinger injects his drumming with sharpsound-design instincts, while minimalist composer Luka Aron adds electro-acoustictextures that shimmer with the weight of distant memories.Following their 2022 EP SKICE, Roomer are set to release their debut album Leaving It All toChance this year on Squama.
Largely influenced by 'post-Elliott Smith' bands, the band Hallway finds its place somewhere between folk rock and shoegaze. A saxophone meets a big muff pedal, acoustic guitars meet bubbling synthesizers, slowcore meets jazz rock.
The self-titled EP Hallway is a collection of old songs that were completed in the rehearsal room with cranked-up guitar amps and wild saxophone runs.