re:connect (Movement Session for Ravers)

RE:SET • 10997
Lübbener Straße 9, 10997 Berlin
Fr, 08.11.2024
Start: 13:30 Uhr - 14:15 Uhr

Tickets kaufen

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Hier können Sie Ihre gekauften Tickets für auf die Veranstaltung re:connect (Movement Session for Ravers) umbuchen. Dabei entsteht eine Gebühr von € pro Ticket. Sie müssen dabei nur die Differenz zu den von Ihenen ursprünglich gekauften Tickets inklusive der Umbuchungsgebühr zahlen.

Sie sind dabei eine Reservierung für re:connect (Movement Session for Ravers) zu stornieren. Bitte bestätigen Sie die Stornierung.

Sie sind dabei ihre Reservierung für re:connect (Movement Session for Ravers) zu ändern. Bitte wählen Sie eine neue Veranstaltung um die Reservierung auf diese umzubuchen.

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Über die Veranstaltung

re:connect - your mind & body

This calm but challenging Pilates flow will strengthen your mind-body-connection and deep core muscles with controlled movement and moments of mindfulness. This helps you find stability, mental clarity and improves your resilience. The class is suitable for all fitness levels and ideal for anyone who wants to gently yet effectively improve their strength, posture and body awareness. 

You can expect some uplifting and groovy House Music and Disco tunes in this class.

Note: Please ring the door bell "Kreuzbergyoga" and follow sings through the yard and up the stairs, and take off your shoes as soon as you enter. Doors will open 15 minutes before (earliest) and close when the class is starting. So, make sure to arrive at least 5 minutes before your session begins. We move barefoot or on socks, so you won't need shoes. Mats, meditation pillows and blankets are available on site. The class will be in English if needed. 


--- ABOUT RE:SET ---

Are you ready for your RE:SET?

At RE:SET, ravers like us find sacred spaces and moments of self-care that help us to to re:connect, re:cover, re:fuel and re:build after and before a proper night-out. In a club-like atmosphere and with good vibes and groovy electronic music on our ears we can clear our minds, improve strength, posture and our mind-body-connection, and thereby improve our mental and physical health. Come by and join us - we can’t wait to meet you! 💜

You’re not a raver? Of course, you’re welcome anyway. Our classes are the perfect portion of self-care for everyone who cares for their mind and body, and is looking for a special wellbeing experience.


Straßmannstraße 48
10248 Berlin