new basement pres. Plattenbau + Prohibition Prohibition + RUMPELN

Import Export
Schwere-Reiter-Str. 2h, 80636 München
Do, 12.10.2023
Start: 20:30 Uhr - 00:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

new basement

"Youth culture, DIY, right now! (but friendly, absurd and silly). This should be the goal in all basements of the city. With great role models from various teen rock scenes (Brixton/London, Chicago, Melbourne, Seoul, Philadelphia etc.), the young music dorks called ‘newbs’ decided to redefine many things within the local music scene for themselves. The deal is to play shows and meet new friends, create connections between local bands and friends from out of town. This time with a very special lineup: the incredible noisers Plattenbau from Berlin together with our hometown post-punkers Prohibition Prohibition. Maybe bring ear plugs?


Plattenbau (Noise Pop / Post Punk) 

Corporate post-truth band Plattenbau provide a clash of the primitive with high-minded internal feelings. Guitar-trashing, synth-smashing noise-pop and post-punk. Plattenbau formed in 2011 in the dark basement of the former Stasi HQ in East Berlin. Originally strictly a recording project, they jammed over slow grinding death rock for hours and listened back to the tapes into cold dark nights, talking alternate realities, corporate ghost stories, and the death of ideology.


Prohibition Prohibition (Post Punk) 

Prohibition Prohibition is a brand new daring project from Munich already known for their mind blasting noise-machine-like live performances. Dealing with the fragile terminology of Post-Punk, the band dares to push the definition forward whilst holding on to the essential roots of the genre. Noisy guitars meeting brute drums, narrating vocals on a carpet of punching basslines. Their debut EP ‘Built From Nothing Else’ only marks the beginning of a rolling noise machine. 


RUMPELN (Noise) 

Anton Kaun aka RUMPELN relies on the interoperability of electronic sounds, bodies and videos, all subject to the same excessive strategy, always balancing between brutality and clumsiness - stubborn, unforgiving, raging, aggressive, but with a cathartic outcome.


Xiao & Szesny GbR
Türkenstraße 83
80799 München