Naughty & Dark Comedy Showcase w/ secret surprise comedienne

Oranienburger Str. 32, 10117 Berlin
Mi, 29.01.2025
Start: 19:40 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

We present a very special Showcase with naughty, dirty and dark, morbid Stand Up Comedy with a secret known comic doing a long set!

This is a special Showcase where we highlight one international comedian's work-in-progress show. It's a naughty fun time with lots of dark cultural jokes as well.

You will know her from her online following with hundreds of thousands of followers on tiktok and instagram and millions of views on both platforms!

Growing up abroad, she brings a fresh and hilarious look at life in Europe! Don't miss this chance to see an up and coming star of the European Comedy Scene for very little money before she goes on tour.


Do you enjoy dark jokes!? Do you love naughty fun?!

Then this one is for you!


Doors 7pm, Show 8pm


The show will feature a secret well known internationally headlining comedian plus an opener comic.


Tickets are:

13€ - What is wrong with me Ticket - you can save yourself a seat by paying 3€ up front and then 10€ at the door

11€ - What is wrong with my friends Ticket - you pay 3€ up front and only 8€ at the door if you are 4 or more people


19€ at the door (if we have seats left)


If you've made it all the way down here, just reserve a seat already. What more do you want from us?! Geez!


Also, here are some more shows of ours: Propaganda Comedy


Laughing Productions UG
Edisonstraße 10
12459 Berlin