Monbijou Comedy Open Air Extravaganza - English Standup Comedy

Monbijou Theater
Monbijoustr. 3b, 10117 Berlin
So, 25.08.2024
Start: 19:45 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Brilliant English Comedy at Berlin's most beautiful Amphitheatre - Comedy out in the open in the heart of Berlin (+ roof in case of bad weather)


Monbijou Comedy Open Air

Join us for a special evening of awesome Stand Up Comedy out in the open - This will be an absolute blast. A unique show with professional comics and newcomers who will joke about life, love, integrating in Berlin and everything in between. It's a hilarious potpourri with a calvacade of amazing jokes and an onlsaught of fantastic punchlines.

This show is perfect for the warm spring and summer months. Laugh the warm Berlin nights away with tons of people around you in one of the most scenic locations in all of Berlin - an open air amphitheatre right in the heart of the city surrounded by its historic buildings. And there is a roof over the audience section for when the warm Berlin nights are a bit on the rainy side. There is also a bar where you can get some cool refreshments throughout the night.

Despite the large size of the amphitheatre this show packs out quickly. We recommend making a reservation to guarantee a seat. We let you in before everyone else so you can grab the best seats. We hold reservations until 8.15pm (after that, it's everyone's game)


Tickets are:

8€ at our other live events (like Laughing Spree Comedy),

11€ student (only valid with student ID; 3€ up front, 8€ at the door),

11€ group ticket (4+ people, 3€ up front; 8€ at the door),

13€ discounted EB ticket (3€ up front; 10€ at the door),


19€ at the door (if any seats left)


Laughing Productions UG
Edisonstraße 10
12459 Berlin