LUST. - Kinky Runway and Aftershowparty

Markgrafendamm, Berlin
Do, 04.07.2024
Start: 20:00 Uhr - Fr, 05.07.24 05:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Berlin is the city of Techno and kink and this is strongly influencing the local fashion style. The Kinky Runway brings together what belongs together: Sub- and Clubculture and independent local designers. The event aims to provide a platform for smaller subcultural labels and designers to showcase their collections during Fashion Week. This night you'll see collections from:

Atelier Amoreze

Bodychains Berlin

I'm a Fan!

IVY Berlin

Josefina Studio

Kristin Katzer

Monstera Jewelry

There will be an opportunity to buy items from the participating designers after the fashion show. After party starts at 11 PM. Look forward to two dance floors with bookings as sexy as the designers' collections. After the runway, the after-party kicks off with not just good music, but also stunning art, erotic performances, and other surprises. Besides the playground, there's a separate kink playroom and plenty of space to get lost in our fashion lovers labyrinth.

DJ-Line Up:

Aylin Idah  


GUTTiNG b2b Ligal Tamir 

Matthias Burmeister


We are an LGBTQ+ space and do not tolerate any form of discrimination or homophobia. Due to limited capacity: Come early, stay late!


Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von einhorn, Erika Lust, SONAR - Safer Nightlife Berlin



Wiener Strasse 30
10999 Berlin