LOVERS Lipsync- Happy Ru-Year!

Lost Weekend
Schellingstraße 3, 80799 München
Sa, 18.01.2025
Start: 19:30 Uhr - So, 19.01.25 02:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

✨ The first Lovers LipSync of 2025 is here, and baby, it’s gonna be EVERYTHING! 💋🔥 On 18.01.2025 as usual in Lost Weekend, we’re kicking the year off right with Happy Ru-Paul — a celebration of all things fierce, fabulous, and legendary! Hosted by the MOSTEST @misspinay_colada and Misssssssssssssssss @olgaflixpuss. 


The 8 fierce contestants will heat things up with their individual performances before they battle it out in true Lip Sync Battle style! And we LOVE She-Mocracy, so YOU, THE PEOPLE, get to decide who moves on and qualifies for the FINALE! The winner will walk away with a 💰💰💰 cash prize of 150€, 50% 💇🏽‍♀️💇🏽‍♀️💇🏽‍♀️ off a wig styling by @thewigdoctormunich , and a 👑👑👑 crown (which you can take a picture with 😘)!


👑 Come through, serve face, and let’s make this night unforgettable. Let’s raise a glass to Ru and start the year with some serious sass! 💅✨


Doors open from 19:30

Show starts at 21:00



Landwehrstraße 72
80336 München