LOVE in Berlin with Tyrone Stallone (+Free Shots)

Revaler Straße 17, 10245 Berlin
Sa, 01.02.2025
Start: 19:15 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

A Standup comedy Show in English where we figure out how to find a partner in Berlin, how to keep one or how to get rid of one!


Meeting people in Berlin can be tough. Being in a relationship can be even tougher still. Between swipes, hookups, in-laws and exes, it's tough out there. Let us help you navigate this treacherous territory with some humour. Plenty of laughs with brilliant comedians, who will bare it all in front of you. Hilarious honesty you can laugh at or with - your choice. The inimitable high-energy and irreverent Tyrone Stallone will bring you to tears- either due to laughter or

This is a very friendly show, where we all share the same pain - cause in the end, it's all about LOVE.


Join us and see a set of hilarious comedians from all over the world - some single, some married - to figure out how to find LOVE in this city.

Come to our pre-show mixer from 7pm to mingle and meet new, cool people. We do FREE SHOTs till 7.30pm.


Laughing Productions UG
Edisonstraße 10
12459 Berlin