Pitcher - Rock'n'Roll Headquarter Düsseldorf
Oberbilker Allee 29, 40215 Düsseldorf
Mi, 07.05.2025
Start: 18:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

LOS FASTIDIOS.....from Verona (Italy) since 1991 always on the road of the world, more than one hundred shows every year, playing from Streetpunk to the 2Tone ska sound, crossing rock'n'roll, brit-pop and early reggae, in the name of fun, with thoughtful and social lyrics, which fills the dancefloor from the first until the last second of concert...the original Enrico lead vocal is since few years joined by the sweet and lovely voice of Elisa Dixan that gave the band a new, better and even more engaging mood.

ENRICO - vocals

ELISA DIXAN - vocals

FILIPPO "BIBOL" - guitar and backing vocals
MIDIO - bass guitar and backing vocals
SIMONE "GELO" - drums and backing vocals


Pitcher | Andreas Kalus
Oberbilker Allee 29
40215 Düsseldorf