Laugh Therapy- English Stand- Up Comedy

Theatercafé Filmdose
Zülpicher Straße 39, 50674 Köln
Di, 27.05.2025
Start: 19:30 Uhr - 22:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Join us in our new english stand up comedy show in Cologne!

Why Laugh Therapy? Because laughing is like therapy, for the audience as well as for the comedians. Our comics are gonna share their deepest secrets, embarrassing stories, cringe- worthy moments and the kind of stuff you'd usually only tell your therapist after a few sessions.

It's like group therapy but much cheaper and with better jokes. Aren't we all messed up in our own ways, so why not laugh about it together?

Not yet convinced? Ok, then let's tell you the evidence.

Here's why laughing is therapeutic:

- Reduces stress

- You'll bond with total strangers over weird shit

- Your problems might seem a little less crappy afterwards

- It's cheaper than actual therapy (and more fun)

We always bring you comedians from all over the world and our headliner is Maria Clara Groppler who already has made waves in the german comedy scene.

And guess what? The amazing Christiane Olivier from Belgium will be hosting this therapy session- uh, we mean comedy show!

Laugh Therapy is raw, it's realand it might just make you feel a little bit better about your own trainwreck of life.

Doors open at 7pm. Show starts at 7:30 am.


Coellner Comedy Club
Darmstädterstr. 5a
50678 Köln