Inner Development Goals Community Meeting

lifelab - nachhaltige Location für Workshops & Events
Ebertplatz 23, 50668 Köln
Mi, 15.10.2025
Start: 18:30 Uhr - 22:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

You are kindly invited to join the upcoming Inner Development Goals Community Meeting!

We meet every 3rd Wednedsay to practice the IDG skills together, to introduce the IDG idea to newcomers, exchange on projects, to have a lively exchange and to connect & interact with like-minded people

It is all about exploring, growing and getting inspired as well as generating creative ideas and collaborating on how to bring the IDG ideas into our communities.

Everybody is very welcome to join and to co-create! The gathering will be held in german or english depending on participants needs.

Exemplary Agenda
18:30 - Doors open
19:00 - Welcome & Grounding
19:30 - IDG Sensing Journey or work on current projects
20:30 - Sharing experiences, discussion of ideas, update on projects
21:00 - Wrap-Up & Start of optional networking
22:00 - end end :)

This gathering is for you if you are interested in:
* Inner Development Goals (IDGs), Sustainability, Regeneration, Climate Change & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
* Inner Work, Personal Development, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence...
* Engaging and co-creating in community around sustainable transformation 

For more information about the IDG's please check our profile page:

We will meet in the wonderful lifelab at Ebertplatz.

We are looking very much forward meeting all of you!
Your IDG Köln Team, Klaus, Lisa, Ruth, Antje, Kamil, Laila, Jannik, Julia and more ….


Ebertplatz 23
50668 Köln