Import Export
Schwere-Reiter-Str. 2h, 80636 München
Do, 20.03.2025
Start: 20:30 Uhr

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Hier können Sie Ihre gekauften Tickets für auf die Veranstaltung HAZE'EVOT + fab umbuchen. Dabei entsteht eine Gebühr von € pro Ticket. Sie müssen dabei nur die Differenz zu den von Ihenen ursprünglich gekauften Tickets inklusive der Umbuchungsgebühr zahlen.

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Über die Veranstaltung


HAZE’EVOT (“SheWolf”) is a rock band and independent female collective based in Israel. For the past decade, the band has operated as an independent group, collaboratively
producing most of their content, and keep bringing to the front their authentic spirit and vibrant energy. HAZE’EVOT blends musical styles like rock, disco, and funk, accompanied
by bold and honest lyrics in Hebrew that convey a powerful message of freedom and unity.

The performances of HAZE’EVOT are known for their explosive energy—a wild and lively rock celebration that leaves no audience member indifferent. Their music and shows showcase their authentic and wild spirit, establishing them as one of the best live acts in the country and attracting a loyal audience of all ages.

Alongside their activities in Israel, the band performs extensively throughout Europe and is cultivating a growing European audience. The band is playing in Venues and festivals around Europe such as Fusion Festival, Brückenfestival, Waldstock, Wasted OpenAir, Colours of Ostrava, Waves Vienna and more.


Fab ist eine all female Synthie-Punkband aus München.
Ihre Songs sind gegen Macker, dreckige Kartoffeln und für mehr Chardonnay im Urin. Wütend, politisch und tanzbar.


Kunstzentrat e.V.
Schwere-Reiter-Str. 2h
80636 München