GRAPES&GROOVE - Natural Wine, Art & Music Fest

Hornstraße 85, 50823 Köln
Sa, 14.09.2024
Start: 13:00 Uhr - 22:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

GRAPES & GROOVE: An Event Full of Art, Wine, and Music!

We are thrilled to present our next event to you!

Together with many talented artists, we are organizing an exhibition at one of the most special places in Cologne.

Come along and enjoy the exhibited art with a glass of organic wine. Throughout the day, various DJs will keep the vibes high, and our food truck will satisfy your cravings, so everything for a great day is set!

A special highlight awaits you at 6 PM: the Cologne-based band Tigermilch will perform live!

Keep an eye on our Instagram profile, where we will reveal all the beautiful people that will make this day a special one!

We are super excited to welcome you and provide you with wine, art, and sound once again!


presale 12€ / at location 15€



Im Dau 8
50678 Köln