From Tehran to Reeperbahn - English Comedy Special by Shahin Asmari

Studiobühne Münster
Domplatz 23, 48143 Münster
Sa, 08.02.2025
Start: 19:00 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

About the Show:

Studying English at the university in Iran is an odd choice which can turn one into the black sheep of the family. Pursuing the same subject in Germany is another level of weirdness!

From Tehran to Reeperbahn is the first special by the Iranian comedian, Shahin Asmari, who tells his stories of how he decided to move to Germany for his master studies and how Trump's travel ban for Iranians paved the way for him to plan a longer stay in Germany, becoming a comedian to keep his sanity in the depressing winters of north Germany.

The show focuses on how a person from a closed up country like Iran, feels as an expat living at the heart of Europe, namely Germany, and how different, yet the same the two countries are. The process of integration, learning the language, adopting to the German culture and the blunders on daily basis are the stories which will make you laugh all through the night.

The show is well suited for expats living in Germany, and Germans who would like to delve into the mind of immigrants who face the dilemma of identity after getting citizenship, being neither fully German, nor of the nationality they used to possess.


About the Comedian:

Shahin Asmari, a 90s kid, born and raised in Iran , has been doing comedy for the past three years, both as a comedian and as a host, running the only weekly English comedy in Hamburg i.e. Burning Mic Comedy Show. On the pursuit of becoming a full time comedian, Shahin started with the first open mics right before the pandemic (perfect timing, yeah!). However, since the start of 2022, he has been one of the active members of the comedy scene in Hamburg by running shows and performing in three languages.

Apart from Hamburg, Shahin has also done shows outside of Hamburg inside and outside of Germany: Paris, Milan, Aarhus, Vienna, Budapest, Barcelona, Munich, and Berlin to name a few actually. He has also been the opener of some big stars like Max Amini and Negah Amiri.


CBS Entertainment
Friedenstr. 21
22089 Hamburg