Eastern European Comedy Special #45

The Floating Lounge
Mühlenstraße 73, 10243 Berlin
Sa, 02.03.2024
Start: 19:30 Uhr - 22:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Take a hilarious peek back behind the Iron Curtain. These former East bloc comedians are the real thing, because "Western European vegan diet no good for muscles" ... or joke writing.
So, do the slavic squat with the Slavic Squad. In English so the Imperialist Swines don't feel too excluded.


This Showcase highlights the best Eastern European comics with longer sets for an inside track into the mindset of what it's like to live in Berlin as a depressed alcoholic.

Keep on laughing!



Here's what the audience says:


"Great atmosphere and very funny! Definitely one of the best places for comedy in Berlin." - Dima A., Ukraine


"Amazing show, very friendly atmosphere :D" - Kristina S., Serbia


"Funny, friendly, alcohol.. AMAZING" - Dominik I., Slovakia


and a word from our capitalist sponsors:


"Amazing stand-up comedy and good location. Definitively an recommendation for English speaking stand-up fans. Especially [the Eastern Europe] show was a bomb." - Andrej A., USA


Laughing Productions UG
Edisonstraße 10
12459 Berlin