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Slow Club proudly presents: DERRUMBANDO DEFENSAS + Finster
Formed in 2009 by four women in Temuco - Chile, DERRUMBANDO DEFENSAS blends Hardcore and Metal, in a mix of hard riffs, sharp lyrics and an energetic stage presence.
The band members are Maritza Aguayo (vocalist), Mónica Torres (guitarist), Carolina Vera (bassist) y María Constanza Fernández (drummer).
With past tours in Argentina and Brazil, the band prepares for their first EUROPEAN tour in July/August 2024, while confirmed to perform at “The Metal Fest 2024” taking place in Santiago - Chile in April, where they will support and share the stage with bands such as “Anthrax, Biohazard & Sepultura”.
“It’s not the first time that the already well-known band with more than ten years on the scene has signed up an international opening; they also did it with D.R.I in 2020,opening their show in Temuco, making the sign as one of the oldest female band on Hardcore Metal circuit in their region and in the country, but also being part of the sign of the times when it seems that the gender gap is beginning to be taken into account in the underground..." Magazine note in Crónica Sonora.
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Support geben FINSTER:
Finster sind HC Death Crust aus Wien. Und Finster sind wütend. Wütend auf eine Welt, welche allzu oft nichts anderes als Wut verdient hat. Doch ihre Wut ist ein wenig unsere Heilung und vielleicht, nein, ganz sicher, wird die Welt durch Finster ein klein wenig besser!
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