Circular Rooms - Conference with exhibition

Rheinterrasse Düsseldorf
Joseph-Beuys-Ufer 33, 40479 Düsseldorf
Do, 27.03.2025
Start: 09:30 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Do you find wondering yourself: where is the fashion industry heading?

Regulation, shifting value chains, a relentless influx of data — what’s truly essential for your business today and tomorrow? Do you feel you are missing out on key developments, and who can help you navigate this complex landscape?

The fact is, the fashion industry is transforming at an unprecedented pace, creating real challenges but also new opportunities that demand both resources and clear direction in digital transformation and business model innovation. as issues become more complex and interconnected, staying ahead is harder than ever. success today depends on collaboration, innovation, and adaptability!

Düsseldorf, with its strong b2b fashion legacy and dynamic startup ecosystem, is the ideal location for this critical dialogue. starting in March 2025, igedo exhibitions, together with visionary partners, will launch a bi-annual conference / convention focused on the intersections of “it tools - data exchange - regulation - change management.”

Our approach

Expert insights: leading experts and appreciated leaders will provide actionable insights on the critical issues shaping the future of fashion, sustainability, and technology, including EU regulations, digital product passports, and the transition toward a circular economy.

Hands-on learning: interactive workshops and dedicated networking sessions will foster meaningful exchanges among colleagues, specialists, and service providers from round the world.

Who should attend?

This event is designed for senior professionals driving change within their organizations: it and sustainability managers, e-commerce leaders, platform and re-commerce experts, product designers and representatives from municipal and regulatory bodies.

Why you should join!

In a rapidly transforming industry, success will favor not the largest players but those who adapt the fastest. Our mission is to build a collaborative ecosystem that fosters mutual support, innovation, facilitates smooth digital transformation, and drives new business model our goal is to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and partnerships you need to drive the future of fashion, sustainability, and innovation. join us to stay ahead of the curve, forge international connections, and be part of a data-driven movement reshaping the industry.

This isn’t just a conference; it’s a platform for action, and the time to act is now.


Igedo Exhibitions
Emanuel-Leutze-Strasse 8
40547 Düsseldorf