"Bonn-bastic" | English Stand-Up Comedy Show

Oxfordstraße 20-22, 53111 Bonn
Mo, 20.01.2025
Start: 19:15 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Some absolute Bon(n)a-Fide comedy gold is headed for Bonn!

BONN-BASTIC is a brand new monthly English comedy show in the heart of (you guessed it!) Bonn.
Bringing together up-and-coming comedic talent from the region as well as showcasing professional travelling comedians from all over the world - this show is not to be missed!

Doors open: 19:00
Show starts: 19:30

Bonn-Bastic is hosted and produced by Mari Volar - an international comedian based right here in NRW. 
Originally from cold and internet-savvy Estonia, Mari has been living in and making jokes about Germany since 2019. Her witty remarks on international living, loving and laughing have so far won over audiences in over 15 countries and counting. 
She has opened for numerous touring comedians like Dragos, Elena Gabrielle and Victor Patrascan as well as performing at various festivals (Edinburg Fringe, Women in Comedy Festival Manchester, Hundertpro, Tallinn Fringe, Festrogen Festival). For the last 2 years she has toured over 20 cities with a 2-woman theatrical comedy show "The Clitoris Act".
Now it's time for her to put all of those international connections into good use and bring stellar comedians on to the stage at RheinBühne!


January: Steph Deprez (US) and Rachel Morton-Young (UK/NL) join Mari and local English Comedy talent.


Line-ups to Bonn-Bastic are announced a few weeks before each show. Different comedians perform each time so feel free to book your tickets online well in advance! 
TICKETS AT THE DOOR COST 20€ full price and 15€ for students



Mari Volar
50968 Köln