Blanco Teta

Import Export
Schwere Reiter Str. 2, 80797 München
Fr, 14.07.2023
Start: 21:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Blanco Teta is an experimental rock project, with the aggressiveness and simplicity of punk but with a great twist: a relentless distorted noise soundscapes, edgy performances, transfeminist concept with an avant-garde approach. Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, born in 2017 with the need to find a unique sound with an atypical formation, given by the presence of the processed cello. More than a band, Blanco Teta is a performative and visual proposal that establishes a dialogue with the audience. Within the broad spectrum of South American experimental music, they have been consistently providing a good injection of noise, twisted jazz and punk.

More than a band, Blanco Teta is a performative and visual proposal that establishes a dialogue with the audience. They are presenting their new album "Rompepaga" at Import Export as part of their Europe Tour this year. Going to a Blanco Teta show is an immersive experience with high levels of relentless energy and madness. The band represents a great movement that articulates with other transfeminist experimental collectives from the upcoming queer latinx scene. They have played in numerous popular venues in the Buenos Aires experimental scene, and had their first tour abroad in 2019 in Uruguay. In 2022 They made their first European tour playing in various countries and festivals.


Kunstzentrat e.V.
Schwere-Reiter-Str. 2h
80636 München