Festsaal Kreuzberg
Am Flutgraben 2, 12435 Berlin
Sa, 12.10.2024
Start: 16:00 Uhr - So, 13.10.24 06:00 Uhr

Tickets kaufen

Hier können Sie Ihre gekauften Tickets für auf die Veranstaltung AL.FESTIVAL.2024 umbuchen. Dabei entsteht eine Gebühr von € pro Ticket. Sie müssen dabei nur die Differenz zu den von Ihenen ursprünglich gekauften Tickets inklusive der Umbuchungsgebühr zahlen.

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Über die Veranstaltung

We are thrilled to announce that AL.FESTIVAL 2024 is just around the corner! This annual music festival in Berlin is a vibrant celebration of contemporary pop and alternative music from the South West Asian and North African (SWANA) regions. Now in its fifth edition, the festival is deeply rooted in Berlin's diverse and dynamic SWANA diaspora, uniting artists, activists, and music lovers who share a passion for culture, art, and anti-colonial values.

AL.FESTIVAL is a testament to the rich tapestry of Berlin's SWANA community, renowned for its political progressiveness and artistic contributions. The festival offers a unique platform for this community to connect, share ideas, and foster social and artistic innovation. Join us at AL.FESTIVAL 2024 to experience an inspiring exchange of social ideas, sensibilities, and cultural experiences. Be part of this exciting event and help shape a progressive future for Europe and the SWANA region!

LINEUP WIll announced soon!!!


AL.Berlin GbR
Manteuffelstraße 51
12103 Berlin