AL.Berlin Present: Bu Nasser Touffar and Hello Psychaleppo Live at Bi-Nuu on 29.06.2024

Bi Nuu
Schlesische Strasse 2, 10997 Berlin
Sa, 29.06.2024
Start: 21:30 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

AL.Berlin Present: Bu Nasser Touffar and Hello Psychaleppo Live at Bi-Nuu on 29.06.2024

AL.Berlin kicks off the summer season with an extraordinary musical experience in a rare and exclusive event. While big festivals are yet to start (#boycottfusion :), we invite you to an unforgettable night featuring the unique talents of Bu Nasser Touffar and HelloPsychaleppo live on stage.

Supporting acts include local talents SORAH&SPOKE and our beloved V1V1S3KT1ON.

Grab your tickets now!

  • Date: 29.06.2024
  • Doors Open: 22:00
  • Venue: Bi Nuu (U-Bahnhof Schlesisches Tor, 10997)
  • Tickets: Online 28€ + 2€ online fee, Doors 35€


About the artists: 


Bu Nasser Touffar:

Bu Nasser Touffar is a Lebanese writer and rapper who uses his music to amplify the voices of marginalized communities silenced by the state. His powerful songs became anthems during Lebanese protests. Since his debut in 2009 with the album "The Companions of the Land," Bu Nasser has collaborated with numerous local and international artists. He has performed across Lebanon, Turkey, and Europe, returning to Beirut in 2023 for a major rap concert after a five-year hiatus. Beyond music, Bu Nasser has published two successful novels, "Al-Harayek" (2016) and "Al Qushnood" (2018), recognized in international exhibitions.

Hello Psychaleppo:

Hello Psychaleppo, the innovative electronic music producer from Aleppo, blends traditional Arabic music with EDM, creating the genre of electro-tarab. Samer Saem Eldahr, the artist behind Hello Psychaleppo, debuted with the album "GoolLʼah" in 2013, praised by VICE Magazine for its unique fusion of electronic sounds and golden-age Arab pop. He has since released three albums—"HA!" (2014), "Toyour" (2017), and the EP "Jismal" (2021)—each deepening the blend of Arabic melodies and electronic dance music. Hello Psychaleppo continues to push boundaries, staying true to his cultural roots while innovating in the electronic music scene.



Berlin's rap scene's blazing force, SORAH & SPOKE, deliver explosive, explicitly political music. Combining GRIME, DRILL, TRAP, and SOUL with CONSCIOUS RAP, they ignite subwoofers with their powerful sound. Trilingual (EN, FR, DE) female MC Sorah, known for her exceptional talent, delivers combative and empowering lyrics, raising her voice against all forms of discrimination.

Rooted in the UK, Algeria, and France, Sorah channels deep emotions and urgent messages. Her style, known as "Straight From The Gut," matches the title of her debut EP released in 2023.


V1V1S3KT1ON (AL.Berlin Crew):

V1V1S3KT1ON, a DJ and selector from the AL.Berlin Crew, started with old-school grooves, blending alternative hip hop, dub, and global music. Now, they focus on electronic, futuristic, and experimental bassy sounds with rhythms from around the world. Their sets, driven by a passion for diverse niches, offer a unique and explorative musical experience.


AL.Berlin GbR
Manteuffelstraße 51
12103 Berlin