2 Day Art Retreat: "Unfolding You: Embodiment through Art"

Thuli Wolf
Ohmstraße 9, 10179 Berlin
Sa, 09.11.2024
Start: 12:00 Uhr - 15:00 Uhr

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Über die Veranstaltung

Body mapping is a powerful technique that helps us to literally draw out the stories, emotions, and experiences stored in our physical form. In the upcoming 2-Day Art Retreat "Unfolding You - Embodiment through Art", we will use various techniques to create a visual map of your body, highlighting areas that hold tension, pain, or other sensations. This process helps us bring awareness to these places and gently inquire into what they might be holding.

In this Art Retreat you will:

  • Learn how to tune into our body’s signals and sensations.

  • Use creative tools to map out areas of stored tension, emotion, and energy.

  • Engage in gentle movement and meditation to release and process what we uncover.

  • Build a deeper relationship with our body’s inner landscape, allowing for more flow and freedom.



09.11.24: 12:00-15:00

10.11.24: 12:00-15:00

(Ticket includes both dates)

No artistic skills required. Come and Create.


This Retreat is hosted my Thuli Wolf, artist and art therapist. It is her mission to enable people to live a more creative and therefor healthier life.

For more information check out: https://www.thuliwolf.com/body-mapping


Thuli Wolf
Skalitzer Straße 49
10997 Berlin